INGO Jobs Nepal

International Jobs in Nepal


The Benefits of Working for an NGO

Working for a nonprofit has several advantages, regardless of whether you’re a fresh graduate or a seasoned professional. A job in the nonprofit sector could be the ideal choice for you if you’re looking for a means to contribute to the greater good or discover a deeper meaning in life, even if it probably won’t […]

NGO and INGO contributions to Nepal

In the current context of uneven human development, unequal access to positions of power, and severe deprivation among various sections of the population, it is natural that calls for more equal access to resources, affirmative action, education in local languages, support for cultural development, true decentralization of decision-making powers to local level units of governance, […]

How To Write a CV?

If you want to work in research or academia, you may need to develop a CV for prospective employers. A CV allows you to highlight your academic achievements and educational history to demonstrate your suitability for the position. Understanding how to construct a CV can assist you in creating a captivating document that will impress […]

Well-known INGOs working in Nepal

1. Oxfam: Oxfam is a global movement of individuals dedicated to combating inequality and striving to abolish poverty and injustice. Oxfam is a global network of twenty non-governmental organizations that operate in over 90 countries. Oxfam’s goals in Nepal are to promote social fairness, economic development, and humanitarian help. They work to address the fundamental […]

INGOs in Nepal

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to eradicate poverty and eventually safeguard the environment, are being pursued by several countries throughout the world. In addition to the SDGs, each country has its own development priorities and goals. Other sectors are equally as important in supporting inclusive growth, human development, and just societies as the […]

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